Into the Badlands Wikia

Sunny's Compass is an object that was given to him as a child during his time in Azra. Following the golden city's destruction by the The Black Lotus, Sunny still kept the compass as an adult and it would eventually be used to activate ancient Azran machinery.


Sunny took this compass from his dead friend's hand when he was a little boy. Somehow he saved it through all the years. It was stored inside a box in his house near the barrack. It had a middle layer bearing the same design as M.K.'s pendant: a city with radiating lights. Later he discovered that the pages inside the book from Minerva had a burnt hole that fit the compass perfectly, and once inside the burnt hole the compass started working. It was not clear what the compass pointed to. It can be assumed it leads to Azra.

The compass would be lost by Sunny after his imprisonment by the River King, and it was presumably stolen by Cyan, Dury, and Ramona as it was later seen in the possession of The Master in the Abbot Monastery. The compass would eventually be stolen by Bajie and M.K. during their infiltration of the Monastery, and Bajie would later use it in combination with the Book of Azra in order to activate the Azra Radio Tower. This signal reached Pilgrim, and led him to begin his conquest for the Badlands. Sunny would later use the compass in order to activate the Meridian Chamber. Before destroying the Chamber, the Widow placed the compass in M.K.'s hand, having just killed the young man.
