Into the Badlands Wikia

A Regent is the highest rank that a Clipper can achieve, and must be chosen by their Baron in order to attain this title. They function as the Baron's right hand man and confidant, and will carry out any task that is asked of them. While some, like Sunny, can be almost blindly loyal to their Baron, many take the opportunity of their high rank to steal profits, as Teague did, or even plot to kill them to take the Barony as Zypher planned to do.


The role as Regent in the Badlands was likely established around the same time as the position of Baron was created by Horatio Chau when he first established the Badlands, although it is unknown who the first Regent was. By the end of the series due to The Widow seizing control of the entire Badlands the only remaining Regent is Nathaniel Moon.

Named Regents[]


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3
