Dark Ones are those with the Gift, dark chi powers that some people are either born with or given via the Meridian Chamber.
Untrained, it works as a defensive mechanism, that is triggered when the user bleeds and/or is in immediate danger. Once activated, the user’s eyes change to solid black and they go into a berserker-type mode, attacking anyone in close proximity, whether they be friend or foe.
When trained, the user is able to use The Gift without the need of drawing blood and are able to distinguish between friend or foe.
Dark Ones were first created in the Old World by those living in the great city of Azra via the Meridian Chamber. They harnessed the dark chi energy in the Earth and transferred it to human beings, giving them the power known as the Gift, and making them Dark Ones. This eventually led to the Old World cataclysm and the destruction of modern society, only leaving North America, which would eventually split into the Badlands and the Outlying Territories. A cult known as the Black Lotus would be formed with the intention of killing as many Dark Ones as possible. Around this same time, a woman known as the Master would create the Abbot Monastery, where she would abduct and train Dark Ones in secret. Dark Ones still existed in both the Badlands and the Outlying Territories, but due to the Black Lotus exterminating many of them and the Master abducting as many as she could, they were extremely rare in the Badlands and considered to be a myth by many of the people living there.
Following the war against Pilgrim and his conquest for the Badlands, the Meridian Chamber is destroyed and all of his followers other than Eli are killed. By this point, the only Dark Ones left in the world are Eli and the Widow, as all of the other known Dark Ones had been killed in the war or by the Black Lotus.
Physical Manifestations[]
Eye transformation[]
When users of the Gift tap into their power, their eyes glow white before transforming to solid black. The surrounding skin then gains a reddish hue.
The Abbot Monastery[]

The Abbot Monasterey
Out of the Badlands, and hidden in the mountains lies the Abbot Monastery. This is a place that Dark Ones are brought to in hopes of controlling their Gift. The monastery houses the Master, Abbots and Novices. These three groups all live together within the monastery.
The Master[]
The Master is the leader of the monastery. She is extremely powerful and is in complete control of her Gift.
The Abbots are highly trained with their Gift and are responsible for the training of the Dark Ones. They are also the ones that go out and collect Dark Ones from the Badlands.
The Novices are untrained Dark Ones, brought to the monastery due to the danger they pose to the outside world.
Removal of The Gift[]
The Abbots have the ability to remove the Gift from any Dark One, with the use of a device hidden in a secret ward of the monastery.

The device used to remove The Gift
The process involves the Dark One being strapped down to a bed and having several long needles injected into their chest. The process is quite painful, causing the user to scream out throughout the ordeal.
The process only takes a few moments, but when it’s finished, the user can no longer use their Gift.
Removal of ones Gift is done when the Abbots deem a Dark One too out of control or too dangerous to the outside world.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Enhanced Agility: The Gift grants the user agility, coordination, balance, equilibrium, and dexterity. This grants the user the ability to perform feats such as flips and attack combos that normal humans could not.
- Enhanced Durability: The Gift grants the user enhanced durability. This greatly increases their bodily resilience levels, allowing the users to punch through solid concrete without hurting themselves.
- Enhanced Reflexes: The Gift grants the user reflexes that are enhanced to inhuman levels. This allows them to react instantly to almost anything, including fast moving projectiles such as flying daggers or arrows and catch mid-air.
- Enhanced Stamina: The Gift grants the user the ability to take on numerous groups of enemies without getting tired.
- Enhanced Strength: The Gift grants the user enhanced strength, making them strong enough to throw around enemies twice their size, punch through solid brick walls, and jump several stories in a single bound.
- Healing Touch: Highly trained users of the Gift are able to heal themselves of injury within seconds. They can also heal others.
- Telekinesis: After her Gift returned, the Widow was able to throw M.K. around with telekinesis.
- Long-Term Regeneration: After being stabbed through the stomach by Pilgrim and apparently dying, Sunny's long-buried Gift was reactivated and according to the Master, will heal his wound and bring him back "in due time."
- Azran Commands: The command “Peace be with you” in Azran is able to shut down the Gift.
- Body Deterioration: Overuse of the Gift can cause the body to burn out and over time kill the user.
- Limited Use: The Gift can't be used for long periods of time as it quickly exhausts the body, making the user quite weak when they turn off their Gift.
Known Dark Ones[]
Former Dark Ones[]
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3