Trainee Clippers are called Colts. Each Colt is selected and mentored by a senior Clipper, who oversees their training. They are trained from childhood, often bought as slaves and separated from their families. However, many boys and girls are eager to join, every child gets a chance to become a Clipper, and it is much preferred over a life in the poppy fields. In "White Stork Spreads Wings", Waldo sates that they are called Colts because "we gotta break 'em, like wild horses. That's the only way to make a Clipper out of a boy."
The history of Colts in the Badlands is largely unknown, as they are only ever shown to exist in the Armadillo Territory, and as such it is unclear if they existed as far back as the reign of Horatio Chau or instead were established by whichever individual created the Armadillo Territory. Following the Widow taking control of the Armadillo Territory it was changed into the Horse Territory, and Colts were not shown again even though the Clippers were largely shown to be the same, suggesting that the Widow and her Viceroy Lydia decided to put an end to the practice of training young men as Colts due to its barbaric nature.
Notable Colts[]
Season 1
Season 3